How To Catch A Flying Squirrel

Flying squirrels are fascinating creatures to observe in the wild, known for their graceful and elusive nature as they glide from tree to tree. In order to catch a glimpse of these remarkable animals, it’s important to understand their behavior and habitats.

To Catch A Flying Squirrel, Follow These Steps:

  • 1. Obtain a Trap
  • 2. Choose the Bait
  • 3. Find the Ideal Location
  • 4. Set the Trap
  • 5. Wait for Capture
  • 6. Relocate the Squirrel
How To Catch A Flying Squirrel

How To Catch A Flying Squirrel

Catching a flying squirrel requires careful planning and execution. Here are the steps you should follow to successfully catch and relocate a flying squirrel:

1. Obtain a Trap

Purchase or make a suitable trap that is designed to capture small animals like flying squirrels. Look for traps that are specifically designed for squirrels and ensure they are humane and safe for the animal.

2. Choose the Bait

Select the bait for your trap carefully. Flying squirrels are attracted to a variety of foods, including nuts, seeds, and fruits. Peanut butter or sunflower seeds can be effective bait options. Place the bait securely inside the trap.

3. Find the Ideal Location

Identify the best place to set the trap. Flying squirrels are known to enter homes and attics, especially during the winter. Look for signs of their presence, such as droppings or chewed wires, and set the trap in the area where they are most active.

4. Set the Trap

Carefully set up the trap according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure it is stable and secure, so the squirrel cannot escape or harm itself. It’s important to avoid handling the trap with your bare hands to minimize your scent.

5. Wait for Capture

Patience is key when trapping flying squirrels. Check the trap regularly, ideally every few hours, to prevent unnecessary stress to the animal. Once a squirrel is captured, do not handle it directly. Instead, proceed to the next step.

6. Relocate the Squirrel

After successfully capturing a flying squirrel, it is essential to release it into a more suitable habitat away from human dwellings. Choose an area with ample trees and vegetation, providing the squirrel with a safe environment to thrive.

Remember, it is important to handle flying squirrels with care and prioritize their well-being throughout the trapping and relocation process.

Why Do People Catch Flying Squirrels

People catch flying squirrels for various reasons, including:

1. Nuisance Control

Flying squirrels can be considered a nuisance if they invade attics or cause disturbances in the backyard. Catching them helps eliminate these problems and restores peace in the living environment.

2. Wildlife Management

Some people catch flying squirrels to manage wildlife populations and prevent potential damage to property. This can be done through humane trapping and relocation to more suitable habitats.

3. Curiosity or Education

Flying squirrels are fascinating creatures, and some individuals may catch them out of curiosity or for educational purposes. Observing and studying them up close can provide valuable insights into their behavior and biology.

4. Pet Ownership

Flying squirrels can make unique and entertaining pets. Their cuteness and ability to become tame quickly make them appealing to some individuals. However, it is important to research and understand the care requirements before considering them as pets.

It is crucial to follow local laws and regulations regarding the capture and ownership of flying squirrels. Some subspecies may be endangered, and permits may be required to keep them as pets. Catching and releasing squirrels in appropriate areas outside of the home can also be a humane and effective solution.

What Is The Best Bait To Use In A Flying Squirrel Trap

When setting a trap for flying squirrels, it’s important to use the right bait to maximize your chances of success. The best bait options for flying squirrels are:

1. Peanut Butter

Flying squirrels are attracted to the nutty taste of peanut butter. You can spread it on bread, use it to lure them into the trap area, or smear it inside the trap itself. Remember to use unsalted peanut butter for their safety.

2. Sunflower Seeds

Flying squirrels enjoy sunflower seeds, so you can create a trail of seeds leading to the trap area and entrance. You can also place a few sunflower seeds inside the trap along with the peanut butter bread.

3. Nuts

Flying squirrels prefer nuts in their natural form, so using small unsalted nuts or nuts in the shell can be effective. Walnuts are a good alternative to consider.

4. Grains and Seeds

If you don’t have nuts or sunflower seeds, you can use grains and seeds as an alternative. Flying squirrels may already be competing with birds in your garden for these food sources.

5. Fruit

Citrus fruits and apples can also be successful bait options for flying squirrels. The pungent aroma of oranges can attract them, and the juice can be enticing to a thirsty squirrel on a warm day.

6. Bread

If none of the above options are available, you can use bread as a last resort. Spread any soft spread, such as peanut butter, on the bread to make it more appealing to the squirrels.

Remember to place the bait strategically to lure the flying squirrels into the trap and increase your chances of trapping them successfully.

The Best Trap To Catch A Flying Squirrel

When dealing with a flying squirrel infestation, it’s important to use the best trap to efficiently and effectively catch the squirrels. Here are some options to consider:

1. Live Traps

Live traps, such as one-way cages or snap traps, are commonly used by homeowners to catch flying squirrels. These traps allow you to safely capture the squirrels without causing them harm. Once caught, you can release them in a different location away from your property.

2. Box Traps or Single Cages

Box traps or single cages are small metal cages with a spring-loaded door connected to a plate inside the cage. When the squirrel enters the trap to reach the bait, the door will close behind it, securely trapping the squirrel. This method is cost-effective, popular, and humane.

3. One-Way Exclusion Traps

One-way or one-door exclusion traps are designed to allow squirrels to enter the trap but prevent them from returning to their home. This is a useful method for removing squirrels from specific areas without causing harm to them.

4. Repeater Traps

Repeater traps are designed to catch multiple squirrels in the same trap. These traps have mechanisms that capture squirrels when they enter and are capable of holding several squirrels at once. This is a helpful option if you have a significant flying squirrel infestation.

5. Lethal Traps

Lethal traps, such as snap traps or traditional rat traps, are designed to kill the squirrels instantly. These traps have a spring-loaded bar that closes rapidly when the squirrel interacts with the bait. While this method may not be preferred for those who want to avoid harm to the squirrels, it can be effective for eliminating the infestation.

When selecting a trap, consider your preferences, the severity of the infestation, and the desired outcome. It’s also important to follow local regulations and guidelines regarding the capture and release of wildlife.

How To Trap A Flying Squirrel

When dealing with flying squirrels, it is important to use humane trapping methods to ensure their well-being. Here are some tips to trap a flying squirrel safely and effectively:

1. Choose a Humane Trap

Using a humane trap is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of the flying squirrels. Avoid using methods that cause harm or distress to the animals.

2. Avoid Poisoning

Poisoning the squirrels is not a compassionate option as it can lead to a dead animal in your attic with potential odor and hygiene issues. It may also attract other pests to your property.

3. Use an Appropriate Trap

Select a trap that is designed specifically for catching squirrels. Make sure it is the appropriate size and has a sensitive trigger mechanism.

4. Select the Right Bait

Choose a bait that is enticing to flying squirrels. Popular options include nuts, fruits, or peanut butter. Avoid using any bait that may be harmful to the squirrels.

5. Wear Gloves

When handling the bait, wear gloves to avoid transferring your scent. Flying squirrels have a keen sense of smell, and they may be deterred if they detect human scent on the trap or bait.

6. Position the Bait Properly

Place the bait inside the trap, ensuring that it is enticing and easily accessible to the squirrels. Position it in a way that allows the squirrels to enter the trap and engage the trigger mechanism.

7. Choose the Right Location

Select a location for the trap where you have seen the flying squirrels frequently. It should be an area that is easily accessible for you to check regularly.

8. Set the Trap

Carefully set the door of the trap, making sure it is secure and in the proper position. Follow the instructions provided with the trap to ensure correct setup.

9. Timing Matters

Flying squirrels are nocturnal creatures, so they are most active before and after sunset and sunrise. Set the trap accordingly to increase the chances of catching them.

10. Regularly Check the Trap

Check the trap regularly to see if any squirrels have been caught. It is important not to leave them trapped for too long as it can cause stress and harm to the animals.

Remember, it is crucial to treat the trapped squirrels with care and release them into a suitable habitat away from your property.

What Is The Best Place To Set A Flying Squirrel Trap

The best place to set a flying squirrel trap is along their travel path on flat surfaces. It is important to choose a location that is close to your home, such as in the attic or at the base of a tree where you know they are active. Additionally, placing the trap near a shed, crawlspace, or bird feeder can increase the likelihood of capturing the squirrels.

Avoid placing the trap under shrubs or low bushes, as flying squirrels prefer open spaces. Lastly, ensure that the trap is easily accessible for frequent checking and avoid placing it in the attic to encourage the squirrels to leave that area.


Where can I find flying squirrels?

Flying squirrels are found in wooded areas, particularly in forests with dense canopies. They are nocturnal animals and are often seen gliding from tree to tree at night.

How do I attract a flying squirrel to my yard?

You can attract flying squirrels to your yard by placing food sources such as bird feeders and suet feeders. Providing a variety of nuts, seeds, and fruits will also attract them.

What is the best time to catch a flying squirrel?

The best time to attempt catching a flying squirrel is at night when they are most active. They are nocturnal animals, so they are more likely to be out and about during the evening hours.

What is the best method for catching a flying squirrel?

The best method for catching a flying squirrel is by using a live trap baited with their favorite foods, such as nuts and fruits. Place the trap near their usual feeding or nesting areas.

Are flying squirrels dangerous to catch?

Flying squirrels are not aggressive and rarely pose a danger to humans. However, it is important to handle them gently and release them promptly once caught.

Where should I release a captured flying squirrel?

It is important to release a captured flying squirrel in a suitable habitat with plenty of trees and natural food sources. Avoid releasing them in urban or heavily populated areas.

Do I need a permit to catch a flying squirrel?

In some areas, a permit may be required to catch and release flying squirrels. It is important to check local wildlife regulations before attempting to catch a flying squirrel.

What should I do if I catch a flying squirrel?

If you catch a flying squirrel, it is important to handle it gently and release it back into the wild as soon as possible. If you are unsure how to handle the squirrel, contact a local wildlife rehabilitation center for guidance.

Can flying squirrels be kept as pets?

In many places, it is illegal to keep flying squirrels as pets. Additionally, flying squirrels are wild animals and require specific care and a natural environment that cannot be replicated in a home.

How can I prevent flying squirrels from entering my home?

To prevent flying squirrels from entering your home, seal any potential entry points, such as gaps in the roof or walls. It is also important to keep any potential food sources, such as bird feeders, sealed and inaccessible to the squirrels.


In conclusion, catching a flying squirrel requires patience, the right equipment, and a good understanding of their behavior. By using a live trap, providing the right bait, and minimizing disturbances in their natural habitat, you can increase your chances of catching one. It’s important to handle them carefully and release them back into the wild as soon as possible.

Remember to always check local regulations and obtain any necessary permits before attempting to catch a flying squirrel. With proper techniques and respect for these fascinating creatures, you can safely and responsibly capture flying squirrels for research or educational purposes. Happy squirrel catching!

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