How To Get Rid Of Flying Squirrels

Flying squirrels can be a nuisance for homeowners, as they can cause damage to property and create disturbances with their nocturnal activities. If you are dealing with flying squirrels in or around your home, it’s important to take action to remove them in a safe and humane manner.

To Get Rid Of Flying Squirrels, Follow These Steps:

  • 1. Fencing
  • 2. Exclusion
  • 3. Traps
  • 4. Home Repairs
  • 5. Repellents
  • 6. Professional Help
How To Get Rid Of Flying Squirrels

How To Get Rid Of Flying Squirrels

Here are some methods to effectively get rid of flying squirrels:

1. Fencing

Install a barrier around your property or specific areas to keep flying squirrels out. Use metal or mesh fencing that is at least 6 feet tall and bury it several inches underground to prevent them from digging under it.

2. Exclusion

Seal off any openings or gaps in your home where flying squirrels can enter. Inspect your attic, roof, and walls for any holes and use materials like caulk, wire mesh, or foam insulation to block them off.

3. Traps

Set up live traps specifically designed for flying squirrels to catch and relocate them. Place bait inside the trap to entice them, such as nuts or peanut butter. Once caught, release them in a suitable wildlife area far away from your property.

4. Home Repairs

Conduct necessary repairs to your home to prevent flying squirrels from accessing it. Trim tree branches that are close to your house, fix damaged roof tiles or shingles, and secure any loose vents or openings.

5. Repellents

Use natural or commercial repellents to deter flying squirrels from your property. These can include predator urine, ammonia-soaked rags, or commercially available squirrel repellent sprays. Reapply as directed to maintain effectiveness.

6. Professional Help

If you are unable to effectively handle the situation on your own, consider hiring a professional pest control service that specializes in wildlife removal. They will have the expertise and proper tools to safely and humanely remove flying squirrels from your property.

Remember to always follow local laws and regulations when dealing with wildlife, and prioritize humane methods for removing and preventing flying squirrels from causing damage to your property.

Signs of Flying Squirrels in Houses

It’s important to be aware of the signs of a flying squirrel infestation in your home. If you notice any of the following signs, it’s likely that you have flying squirrels in your house:

1. Teeth Marks

Flying squirrels can cause damage by gnawing on various structures in your home, such as wires, insulation, roof intersections, vents, and fascia. Look for any signs of teeth marks or chewed materials.

2. Cracks that Grow

Flying squirrels often take advantage of existing cracks and enlarge them for easier access. If you notice cracks or openings in your home that seem to be getting bigger over time, it could be a sign of flying squirrels.

3. New Holes or Damage

In order to enter your home, flying squirrels may create new holes, leading to damage to the exterior walls and siding. Keep an eye out for any new holes or signs of damage around your home.

4. Droppings

Like any other animals, flying squirrels leave droppings and urine behind. Look for droppings, track marks from their feet, stains from urine, or any unpleasant odors in your home.

5. Noises

Flying squirrels often nest in walls and insulation. If you hear scratching, chirping, or clicking sounds in your home, especially at night, it could be a sign of a colony of flying squirrels living in your house.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take action to remove the flying squirrels from your home and prevent further damage. Consulting a professional wildlife removal service is recommended to ensure safe and effective removal.

How Do Flying Squirrels Get In Your House

Flying squirrels can enter your house through small holes, cracks, or gaps in the building structure. They are smaller than other squirrel species, allowing them to squeeze through even small openings. It is common to find flying squirrels in the attic, especially during the winter months when they are looking for shelter from the cold weather.

If you suspect flying squirrels have entered your house, it is important to address the entry points to prevent further access and potential damage.


How can I make my property less attractive to flying squirrels?

To make your property less attractive to flying squirrels, you can trim trees and bushes near your home, remove any food sources, and keep your attic well-sealed.

How do I get rid of flying squirrels in my attic?

To get rid of flying squirrels in your attic, you can start by sealing off any entry points and using traps to capture and remove them. It’s important to ensure that there are no squirrels left inside before sealing off the entry points.

Are there any natural methods to repel flying squirrels?

Yes, there are natural methods to repel flying squirrels such as using strong smelling essential oils like peppermint or garlic, placing predator urine around the area, or using ammonia-soaked rags.

Can I use poison to get rid of flying squirrels?

It is not recommended to use poison to get rid of flying squirrels as it can be harmful to other animals and pets. It’s best to use humane trapping methods and relocate the squirrels away from your property.

Are flying squirrels dangerous to humans?

Flying squirrels are not generally dangerous to humans, but they can carry diseases and cause damage to property. It’s important to handle them carefully and seek professional help if needed.

How long does it take to get rid of flying squirrels?

The time it takes to get rid of flying squirrels can vary depending on the size of the infestation and the methods used. It’s important to be patient and thorough in the removal process.

What diseases do flying squirrels carry?

Flying squirrels can carry diseases such as rabies, leptospirosis, and salmonellosis, so it’s important to handle them with care and take appropriate precautions when removing them from your property.

How can I deter flying squirrels from returning to my property?

To deter flying squirrels from returning to your property, remove any potential food sources, such as bird feeders and unsecured trash cans, and make your home less accessible by trimming trees and sealing entry points.


In conclusion, getting rid of flying squirrels can be a challenge, but with the right approach, it is possible to effectively manage and prevent their presence in your home. By understanding their habits and behavior, sealing off entry points, removing attractants, and using deterrents, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of flying squirrels taking up residence in your attic or other areas of your home.

It’s important to act quickly and decisively at the first sign of flying squirrel activity to prevent potential damage to your property and minimize the risk of health concerns associated with their presence. Remember to also consult with a professional wildlife removal service if you’re unsure about the best course of action.

With these strategies in place, you can protect your home from flying squirrels and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your property is free from these unwanted guests.

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