What Are Flying Squirrels Called

Flying squirrels, scientifically known as Pteromyini, are a type of mammal. They are omnivores, meaning they have a diet that includes both plant and animal matter. On average, flying squirrels have a lifespan of five years. They range in size from three inches to two feet, and their weight can vary from 3.5 ounces to 5.5 pounds.

Flying squirrels are known for their ability to glide through the air using a membrane of skin called a patagium. This adaptation allows them to move between trees and navigate their environment with ease.

What Are Flying Squirrels Called

What Is Another Name For Flying Squirrels

Flying squirrels, also known as gliding squirrels, are native to North America and come in two species: the northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) and the southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans). These squirrels are gray-brown in color, but the northern species has gray belly fur while the southern species has white belly fur.

Additionally, size is a distinguishing factor, with the southern flying squirrel being smaller at 8 to 10 inches in length and the northern flying squirrel measuring 10 to 12 inches long.

While they are called flying squirrels, they do not have the capability for true powered flight like birds or bats. Instead, they glide through the air using a special membrane between their front and back legs. By launching themselves from high branches and spreading out their limbs, the gliding membrane is exposed and allows them to travel between trees without touching the ground.

They steer using slight movements of their legs and can cover distances of over 150 feet in a single glide. The tail acts as a brake when they reach their desired destination.

Are There Any Other Name Of Flying Squirrels

The flying squirrel is also known as an airborne rodent. While there are no other common terms for this animal, it is important to note that the flying squirrel is actually a glider rather than a true flyer. Its ability to glide through the air is facilitated by flaps of loose skin that spread out like a parachute when it leaps from a tree.

This unique adaptation allows the flying squirrel to navigate its surroundings using its furry tail for steering. Due to their nocturnal nature, flying squirrels are not commonly seen, as they are most active during the night.


What is a mini flying squirrel called?

A mini flying squirrel is called a Japanese dwarf flying squirrel. Its genus is Pteromys and its species is P. momonga. Its binomial name is Pteromys momonga Temminck, 1844.

Are sugar gliders and flying squirrels the same?

No, sugar gliders and flying squirrels are not the same. They belong to different mammal groups, with sugar gliders being marsupials and flying squirrels being placental mammals. They are not closely related to each other.

Is a flying squirrel a chipmunk?

No, a flying squirrel is not a chipmunk. They belong to different species within the rodent family and have distinct characteristics that differentiate them from each other.

Do flying squirrels have any predators?

Flying squirrels are preyed upon by a variety of predators, including owls, hawks, and small mammals such as weasels and raccoons.

What makes flying squirrels different from other squirrels?

Flying squirrels are smaller than other squirrels and have a flatter tail and larger eyes. They are also nocturnal and have a membrane that allows them to glide.

Are flying squirrels the only squirrel species that can glide?

While flying squirrels are the most well-known gliding squirrels, there are actually other species of squirrels that can glide, such as the scaly-tailed flying squirrel and the woolly flying squirrel.

Are flying squirrels considered pests?

Flying squirrels are not generally considered pests, as they are typically not destructive and do not cause significant damage to property.

What are some common species of flying squirrels?

The most well-known species of flying squirrels include the northern flying squirrel and the southern flying squirrel, both of which are found in North America.


In conclusion, flying squirrels are fascinating creatures that are often misunderstood due to their unusual name. However, these unique animals are not actually capable of true flight but rather glide through the air using a specialized membrane called a patagium. Their ability to glide from tree to tree with such grace and agility is a marvel of nature.

The various names used to describe these creatures, such as “flying squirrel” or “gliding squirrel,” all refer to the same animal and its incredible abilities. While the name “flying squirrel” may be misleading, it has become widely accepted and is used to distinguish these squirrels from their non-gliding counterparts.

Regardless of their name, it is important to appreciate the remarkable adaptations and behaviors of flying squirrels. These creatures play a vital role in their ecosystems and serve as a reminder of the diverse and wondrous forms of life found in the natural world.

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