What Sound Does A Flying Squirrel Make

Flying squirrels make short, high-pitched chirping sounds to communicate with each other. These sounds can vary in pitch and length to convey different moods and needs. Generally, these sounds are too high in frequency for humans to hear. However, if flying squirrels are living in attics or wall voids, people may be able to hear these annoying sounds.

What Sound Does A Flying Squirrel Make

Why Flying Squirrel Make Sound

Flying squirrel noises can vary depending on the situation. When they feel threatened or alarmed, they may emit a high-pitched chirping sound. This sound serves as a warning to other squirrels in the area that danger is near. Apart from their warning chirps, Flying squirrels also use other sounds to communicate with each other.

They produce soft chattering sounds to express their contentment or to establish their territory. Male Flying squirrels tend to have louder and more aggressive calls, while females have softer and more melodic calls.

When the babies are hungry, the mother squirrel emits a series of high-pitched squeaks to let them know it’s feeding time. Overall, Flying squirrels have a variety of sounds they use to communicate with each other.

Are Flying Squirrels Quiet Compared To Other Squirrels

Yes, flying squirrels are generally quieter compared to other squirrels. The Northern Flying Squirrel, specifically, is known for its quiet and gentle nature. Unlike the Red squirrel, which is active during the day and often chatters and makes noise, the flying squirrel is strictly nocturnal and tends to be quieter in its behaviors and vocalizations.


Do flying squirrels make sounds when they are active at night?

Yes, flying squirrels are nocturnal and can be quite vocal during the night. They may make sounds as they communicate with other squirrels, or when they are alarmed or agitated.

Can flying squirrels produce sounds that are audible to humans?

Yes, some of the vocalizations made by flying squirrels are within the range of human hearing. People may be able to hear their chirps, barks, and chatters, especially if they are in close proximity to the squirrels.

Are there any specific sounds that flying squirrels make to signal danger?

Yes, flying squirrels can emit alarm calls, such as high-pitched chirps or squeaks, to warn others of potential threats in their environment.

Do flying squirrels make sounds when they are in distress?

Yes, flying squirrels may produce distress calls, such as loud and continuous chirping, when they are in danger or experiencing pain.

Do flying squirrels make sounds when they are in their nest?

Flying squirrels are relatively quiet when they are in their nest, but they may still make soft vocalizations and rustling sounds as they move about and communicate with their nestmates.

When do flying squirrels make these sounds?

Flying squirrels are nocturnal animals, so they are most active and vocal during the night. They use their vocalizations to establish territory, communicate with their young, and warn of potential threats.

Is it common for people to hear flying squirrels in residential areas?

It is not common for people to hear flying squirrels in residential areas as they are nocturnal and typically stay away from human-inhabited areas. If they are heard, it is likely that they have taken up residence in a nearby wooded area.

What kind of vocalizations do flying squirrels make?

Flying squirrels are known to make various vocalizations, including chirps, chatters, and barks. These sounds are often used for communication with other flying squirrels.

Do flying squirrels make any other unique sounds?

In addition to their vocalizations and gliding sounds, flying squirrels are also known to make alarm calls when they feel threatened, which can be a high-pitched screeching sound.

Can flying squirrels produce any aggressive or defensive sounds?

While flying squirrels are generally docile and shy animals, they may make high-pitched squeaks or growls if they feel threatened or are in a defensive situation.

Do flying squirrels make noise when they glide?

Yes, flying squirrels do make noise when they glide. They produce a low whooshing sound as they glide through the air, caused by the movement of their wings.

Can flying squirrels make vocalizations?

Yes, flying squirrels are capable of making vocalizations. They use vocalizations for communication with other flying squirrels, especially during mating and territorial disputes.

Are flying squirrel vocalizations loud?

The vocalizations of flying squirrels are not particularly loud. They tend to be soft and high-pitched, making them more suitable for communication in the dense forest environment where they live.

Do flying squirrels make the same sounds as other squirrels?

Flying squirrels have unique vocalizations that are different from those of ground-dwelling squirrels. Their sounds are adapted for their nocturnal and gliding lifestyle.


In conclusion, the sound that a flying squirrel makes is a combination of chirps, squeaks, and barks. While they are generally quiet animals, they do vocalize for communication and in moments of distress. Research on their vocalizations is ongoing, and scientists continue to learn more about the specific meanings and contexts of their sounds.

Understanding the sounds of flying squirrels is important for both scientific research and for those who encounter these animals in the wild. By being able to identify their vocalizations, people can better understand their behavior and needs, and hopefully coexist with them more harmoniously.

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